
All school volunteers, with the exception of visitors and one-time volunteers must complete a volunteer application packet with the district Human Resources Department. The application packet shall include the following: 

  • Volunteer Application

  • Volunteer Confidentiality and Discrimination Statement 

  • Criminal Background Check

The Human Resources Department will send an approved list of volunteers to the parent coordinator and the principal of each school.

  • The volunteer application, Volunteer Confidentiality and Discrimination Statement, and Criminal Background Check shall be retained in the Human Resources Department. 

  • Volunteer application packets (including criminal background checks) must be renewed each year. 

Visitors and one-time volunteers do not need to complete an application UNLESS they accompany students off campus (field trips). 

  • One-time volunteers and visitors who remain under the direct supervision of teachers and staff while at school DO NOT need to complete the application packet. These volunteers should not be left alone with or have unsupervised contact with individual or groups of students. (Examples: grandparent visiting a classroom, test proctor, guest speaker, parent working with book fair)

  • Any volunteers accompanying students off campus MUST complete a volunteer application packet, including a criminal background check. 

All volunteers, including one-time volunteers and visitors must:

  • Sign in and out at their school/site location

  • Wear identification badges during their volunteer activity or experience

  • Acknowledge that “relationships developed with children at school need to remain at school” and that, for their own protection, “volunteers should never be left alone with a child that is out of view of school personnel or another adult volunteer.”

Specific questions concerning these procedures should be directed to the Director of Administrative Affairs.